Monday, November 1, 2010

Micropost #001

Whoa! Third year is really turning up the heat now!! Never thought I would find myself so busy in this otherwise laid-back place. Suddenly, a 24 hour day has started appearing unfair. And I am faced with one of those situations that make my face go pale and my hair turn gray.(Talking of hair, I recently had a haircut; that, when I promised myself for the zillionth time that I would grow my hair long! Making false promises to myself, that's damn pathetic!)
I have to prioritize. I hate prioritizing. It is so unfair. Why can't I do all the things all the time?Or maybe things I like at times I like? No sir, it has to done by the clock. It's like:"Work now, you can enjoy later".Now,this 'later' is a dangerous word. The event of occurrence of 'later' has probability tending to zero. I have been waiting for 'later' since 11th grade. It hasn't arrived yet.
Anyway, since time for me these days is an asset, I'll wrap this up in short: I am busy, I am confused, I am cornered and I have to make some life changing decisions.Now.

PS- Finally, my dream of owning a net book looks like becoming a reality. The bad thing is, Mom has not said yes still. The good thing is, she hasn't said 'no' either!(All previous attempts were met with an outright rejection). So, I am in the maybe zone. Living on hopes, that is.


  1. Dont wait to prioritize ..just act ....

  2. Time management holds the key and sadly even i am yet to learn this art

  3. Well its easier to give advice than to act on it.Since I am in the same situation I cant comment....
