Monday, September 20, 2010

Writing is in the genes

Okay now I was wondering how I got this literary bug in me? I mean I write well. Well enough to be complimented for that. So where exactly it comes from? My dad cannot write for nuts.He is a government employee. Indian government employees are not in the habit of writing. They can be Olympic champions at debating and criticizing their government, but writing is not their cup of coffee( tea, for Indians). My sister is a boring CA. The only writing she did was when she was en-route to topping one hard ass exam after another. Now she types, balance sheets and stuff. But no writing. That zeroed in all my suspicions on Mom. But I haven't seen her writing.Still that was circumstantial evidence towards her innocence.
But now she has been caught in the act. Of late, she has been living alone. Don't worry it's not a family trouble. It's just that dad's gotta transfer, didi got married in January this year and so Mom had no choice left. And this sudden loneliness has caused her to slip into depression. It is understandable, given her age and all. Okay, back to the point. So, I was talking to her on the phone yesterday when she dropped the bomb. She told me she had written a short story. What? When? How? She casually told me that she has always been into writing. She used to write in college too. And now when she has all the time in the world, why not return to writing? my suspicions were correct after all. Like all the other good things in me, this one's from mom too. Love you mom!


  1. Well,it must have felt nice as well as weird too when you found out about your mom....coz..all these years with her..still this unknown fact!!!

  2. ya man...I felt kinda ashamed I never knew this fact about my mum!!! :P

  3. what a wonderful piece of writing and even i was wondering(after going through your 10 blogs back 2 back) from where these great pieces of articles are coming! :p
