Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Of Kurt, Axl and the faltering Prof.Jha!

We all listen to music. Everyone of us( except the deaf, of course!) We all have our tastes( good and bad,in some cases extremely bad!!). Of late, I have come across so much music that I have started associating each one of the songs I hear with a unique feeling it evokes in me. 

Nirvana- I instantly start seeing stockpiles of Cocaine, Marijuana, LSD, syringes, spoons etc. The entire room is filled with smoke and I start drifting in air. Kurt Cobain pulls off the seemingly impossible trick of transferring his dope content to me via his songs! Nice!

Guns and Roses- Undoubtedly, my favourite band. Axl on the MIC and Slash on the guitar is something only God could've imagined! Varied feelings. Each song casts a different spell on me. On the whole they are very very enjoyable. Associated visions are those of leather jackets, boots, long hair, a dozen chicks in both arms( and a lot more running behind), which is very much responsible for GNR's top placing!

ACDC- Gawds! Seriously! Instant foot tapping! Came across "Highway to Hell' only last year and since then I think I've completed the entire discography thrice! They're completely insane (much like me) and I can't help breaking into a jig whenever Brian is on the roll!

Himesh Reshamiya- Okay, now we all have heard him some time or the other. Admit it! And insanely enough, most of us were Himess bhai's fans too! His name's spelling has seen more changes than his voice and compositions! Well, for the feeling part, I start feeling like a complete FOSLA member, who is the world record holder of the most number of rejections and heart breaks! Songs are good for those who have just had a break-up or are sure to have one soon! You are not alone guys, Himess bhai is there too!

Linkin Park-  It's a loose cross between Nirvana and Himess bhai. Although the illusion is a lot more chaotic. Scary visions of world destruction, fallout, wars, Armageddon are common. Also it's a good medicine for those who believe that motivation can be achieved through listening to songs. (Believe me, it can't) LP fans are mostly global rejects, asylum inhabitants( not insane, that's different, way different!), down and out losers seeking redemption and those who believe that being a loner is a style statement.

90's Bollywood songs- Umm...err...well I don't listen to them now. I did when I was a kid. If you are feeling bored, then they can be good entertainers. You will roll off the couch laughing at the lyrics, and the videos...I can't even think about those clothes and dance steps! Thank God it's over!!

Justin Timberlake, Eminem- ATTITUDE! KICK ASS ATTITUDE! I relate to both of them highly.That's because like me, these two can make fun of anyone. JB's usual targets are his ex-GF's( whose aren't??!!) and for Eminem, everyone's a target. Hats off to both of you!  

Lady Gaga, Pussycat Dolls, Shakira, Rihanna, Britney Spears, JLo- Moderated pornography! Length of dresses one-tenth of the length of songs. Never paid attention to lyrics. Was busy watching the pelvic moves and cleavage shows!

SOAD- Bang your head, break everything around you. Beat everyone around you! Take off your clothes! Act like a money!( Caution- Never, and I mean never ever listen to SOAD at home...there will be no doubt left in your parents' minds that you need a shrink!)

Korn, Marilyn Manson- Rebellion! Insane! I-don't care-what-you-think-about-me attitude! \m/

Coldplay- Soooooooothing.........................................

Deff Leppard- If you are in a relationship that's going strong, Deff Leppards for you. Even though I've never fulfilled that condition, still I've always enjoyed Deff!

MJ- Perfect songs for gym! Keeps the tempo up! And every once in a while you can catch someone trying to do 'the moonwalk'! In gym vests and shorts! *uncontrollable laughter*

Mozart and Beethoven symphonies- Introduced in our room by my room mate. Make me feel like a rich old loner, who has everything except people to talk to, and is passing his last few miserable days sitting in a rocking chair in a huge hall, listening to symphonies and remembering the good ol' days!

PS-  Prof. Jha announced my name in class together with a 'Your attendance is short' remark. That, when I've only missed 5 classes out of like 20+ classes. And a guy whose only presence in the class is his name on the attendance sheet with an unbroken string of Absents, was not bestowed with the same gift as me! Great! Even a bad luck would've been better than this!


  1. Lady Gaga, Pussycat Dolls, Shakira, Rihanna, Britney Spears, JLo
    Loved ur frankness

  2. What about Poets of the Fall

  3. @Anonymous- This is what I had to say about POTF in the draft post-
    "Nice band.Decent songs that can be enjoyed almost anytime of the day. Their guitarist sports one of the gayest haircut I've ever seen!"

  4. oye beethoven ki kya baat hai?
    Who listens to them anyway...
    I like them becoz they just fade into the background, like me.....

  5. @Synner-tune hi poora collection dwnload kiya tha...so u shudn't say 'who listens to them anyway'!!!!
