The bell rang. It was over.
As the invigilators started collecting answer sheets,someone from the back shouted 'THIRD YEAR' and received unanimous appreciation.Yes, two years of engineering were now over!
Generally after the last exam, everyone around you goes insane. I mean, people are insane anyway! But after the last exams,man they act like they are gladiators returning from the arena alive!(Aren't they really?!!)
On my way to the room, I saw final year guys rejoicing,dancing at becoming an engineer.Everyone was congratulating each other.Some wore the weirdest 'fancy dresses'...and I still don't understand the purpose of wearing fancy dresses to probably the last exam of your life!(Can you imagine my friend Vikas saw a 'Superman' there too???Ya I know...it's hilarious!)
As for me,I was, as always,happy. Not the 'HAPPY' happy....but the small,contented happy.I had screwed in my exams big time! In fact, I can confidently say this was my worst performance.But, I was still not going paranoid!(You are supposed to when you have never gone below 80 but now almost failing in 2 subjects).Why?I don't know...maybe because I stopped caring a long time back???
Second year engineering...I'll never forget this one 'eventful' year...NEVER...because it was rather too eventful!
Looking back, I see....
1. myself sitting in the canteen or sleeping in the room, when I should have been in the class.(SEM III)
2. guys around me taking up drinking and smoking, and wasting away their health, at the same time complaining how mess food was weakening them day after day!!
3. a decision to start working out and sticking to it like a crazy for the whole year...and people commenting on my new improved physique! :)
5. myself falling in love...and falling out of it in 20 days!
6. me,Vikas and our airplane...
7. a complete disinterest in anything remotely related to Mineral Engineering, surviving short attendance scare in MMR 13101 and a 7 pointer scrape yet again!
Repeat points 1,5,7 but change the semester, the girl and the subject respectively.
Semester IV brought...
1. my sister's marriage! And my understanding of the phrase 'The Big Fat Indian Wedding'!!!
2. Kshitij @ IIT-KGP, where our airplane flew for a few seconds, but we flew for days!!!
3. my new camera and my new passion!
4. backbench...daydreaming, sleeping, calling the FMC 14101 prof an ass**** and being heard!
5. old friends, new friends, good friends, bad friends!
6. Diamond roof,night, me and the endless sky!
7. Photoshop and Blogger!
Thus ended my second year...full of ups and downs.
Anyway,I'm a 'HALF-ENGINEER' now!It's one week before I head off to ESSAR Steel,Vishakhapatnam for a 42 day long training...my first industrial interaction and I am quite excited about it!
PS- 'S' you are a cute and decent girl and I really liked you.I seriously wish things had not gone wrong...
'P' you are not what I thought you were and I really hate you. I seriously wish things had not started at all...